A Simply Amazing Website

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The Cariad web design team has been super busy again and launched another great client website. This time it was for the award-winning training company Simply Amazing Training (SAT).

SAT’s previous website had been built four years ago, merging two older websites and evolving in scope as the company became more successful, grew and added new training courses and brought new trainers on board. However, all these additions meant that the old website was no longer functioning efficiently in terms of user navigation, and the accumulated effect of the extra information slowed the website down. So we were asked to rebuild the site and give it a fresher look and feel, as well as improve the user experience.

The new website is much more intuitive to use, and it is clearer and easier for visitors to find the information they’re looking for.

We also added an interactive element to the website with an online ‘Test your presentation skills’ questionnaire. All you have to do is click on the answers to a few questions and submit them. You will then get an email describing what your presentation style is, with a few tips on how you could improve on your weaker areas. An online questionnaire is a great tool to help a company collect leads, and SAT will be able to use the quiz to reach people who may be interested in the skills training courses it offers.

About SAT

Simply Amazing Training runs CPD accredited management, presentation and communication training courses that are fast, effective and fun. The success of the courses revolves around making sure people have the right mindset for the training before undertaking the training itself. By having the right mindset from the start, participants are more open to it, meaning they’re more likely to get the most out of the course.

Each SAT course is bespoke to the team or individual taking it. No two people are alike and no two companies are alike, so this tailored approach ensures that every person and every company gets maximum value from the investment.

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