Grow your network. Grow your business

Helen House avatar
Grow your network. Grow your business

All successful business owners understand that growing your network is key to growing your business. And these days, LinkedIn is where a huge amount of networking happens.

LinkedIn has made it easier than ever for you to make substantial business connections and keep in touch after the fact. Opportunities that once may have been missed, can be easily cemented by simply clicking the ‘connect’ button. In terms of B2B marketing, it truly is a fantastic platform.

Six ways that LinkedIn can help your company grow:

  1. Make and develop connections
    Your digital marketing strategy for LinkedIn should include how to grow your followers organically. Connecting with people has never been easier thanks to this helpful platform. You should aim for a rich LinkedIn network full of like-minded people and follow businesses who are likely to interact and engage with your LinkedIn content. These connections have the potential to turn into fruitful business leads, as well as help in the recruitment of new employees.
  2. Gives a ‘face’ to the company
    This is helpful for both potential new employees and customers of all types. People want to see the faces behind the company as they give a more personal appeal and can help to develop trust.
  3. Keep people updated on your company’s activity
    Having the ability to see what a company is up to behind the scenes is a fantastic way to get to know a business a bit better. Seeing content like ‘Christmas jumper day in the office’ or an awards ceremony with the team all dressed up can give your contacts a better insight into how the business runs. It also humanises the business and can make people think ‘I want to work there!’.
  4. Better apply budget
    Thanks to LinkedIn Analytics you’re able to look deeper into how your campaigns are performing. If you’ve been working on a project for a while but have been getting minimal interaction, you can take a look at the data provided about your existing audiences which may be an indicator to switch lanes and put your efforts – and possibly your budget – into trying something different.
  5. Brand awareness/visibility
    Increase your presence on LinkedIn. By making people aware of and interacting with your LinkedIn business page, you will increase visibility and awareness of your company. An active LinkedIn business page is a great strategy for digital marketing as you will also be more visible on search engines. It will serve as a great marketing tool for your business as well as an effective networking platform. Ensure your page proudly displays your company logo and colour scheme across the board so people can easily distinguish you from your competitors.
  6. Target specific audiences
    LinkedIn is highly capable when it comes to advertising. By allowing you to filter by job title, company size, or industry, for example, you’re able to engage with the professional individuals you’re specifically targeting. Be sure to do your market research with this as targeted ads can reduce your reach. However, if you’re only looking for very specific individuals it can definitely prevent time wasting by not having to browse through people who don’t fit the specifications.

Tips and tricks on how to get more people to follow you on LinkedIn in 2023

Here are our tips and tricks on how to get more people to follow you on LinkedIn in 2023:

  • Following businesses
    There’s no shame in making the first move! People and businesses will be more likely to follow you if you follow them first. Social media can be a bit ‘tit for tat’ in this way but if you want to know how to get more connections on LinkedIn, this is a quick and simple win, making it a great place to start. If the business’ pages are similar to you or shares similar interests this is a huge bonus.
  • Engaging with local community
    This shows your business is an active and warm-hearted member of the community. Too often in the business world do we see faceless corporations taking a whole lot without giving much back – do better and be better than them! Being a responsible business is great for your overall brand image.
  • Join groups
    Joining LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your business is a fantastic way to flesh out your page and be seen as an active LinkedIn member.
  • Variety of content
    Your content on LinkedIn matters. It’s easy to post the same types of content across all of your platforms, but people like variety. They like to see all of what you’re capable of, so don’t just do the bare minimum that it takes to be seen on LinkedIn. Put some effort into your posts and provide an array of different types of content, such as polls, carousels, videos, and H2H (human 2 human) content in order to keep your connections interested in your page. Research reports are also a great content type as they provide a very high conversion rate and are used for lead generation.

Be aware, however – as with all social media platforms – that in order to have a successful page with great content, there are some things you should avoid where possible.

When is the right time to hire a LinkedIn marketing agency?

If you may feel you can manage your LinkedIn company profile on your own, and that’s great! But this isn’t always the case. You will definitely benefit from a digital marketing agency if you feel you lack the expertise in this area. There’s no shame in handing over work that you know needs doing to someone deemed more qualified. The end result should be the focus, so if that means asking someone else to get you there, why not?

Alternatively, you may feel you have the expertise on how to use LinkedIn for business but you’re getting busy and you just don’t have the time to implement the strategies that would be most beneficial to your business. In this case, spread the load! Knowing your LinkedIn business page is being carefully managed by experienced professionals will give you the peace of mind that goals will be met without having to do everything yourself.

Finally, you may be noticing a drop in success on the platform or your competitors are experiencing more success compared to you but you’re unsure why. Sometimes, no matter what you do, having a fresh pair of eyes or getting a third party to take a look can make things clearer. You must first identify the issue in order to be able to create solutions!Working with a digital marketing agency specialising in LinkedIn means they can pinpoint areas for improvement you may not be aware of. This can be highly valuable information when attempting to implement a LinkedIn growth strategy.

If you would like help with your LinkedIn strategy, don’t hesitate to get in contact with Cariad Marketing today.

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