To blog or not to blog?

Cariad Marketing avatar

blogFrom a business perspective the only thing worse than not blogging is having a blog and not blogging!

The blog page is an incredibly important part of your website; it enables you to keep your clients and potential clients up to date with developments in your industry, new products, news about your business and anything at all that you think may be of interest. It should be topical, voice opinions, share useful links and offer advice and help. Most importantly though it should be updated regularly. If a blog page is not updated frequently it can look as though you are not proactive and current; not a good image for any business to portray.

Content is everything

A blog page of course is also an excellent way to boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). That said, it should never simply be a list of key words strung together.  Search engines are far more sophisticated these days and relevant, informative content is going to do far more for your rankings than simply cramming in as many keywords as humanly possible.

An interesting, informative article will bring extra visitors to your site and may also get reposted on social media creating valuable links to your website.  This was demonstrated by Cariad client, Great War Tours which featured an excellent blog on the poppy installation at the Tower of London. Being so current the blog received a lot of visitors many of whom forwarded it to others. Historian Debbie Coupland used the blog not to add to the many column inches already written about the poppies but to educate readers about the often overlooked sacrifice of the men of the merchant and fishing fleets.

 Make it personal

Bear in mind that a blog should not be regarded simply as a tool for SEO; it is worth so much more to your business than that. A well written blog enables you to reflect the personality of your business and to communicate what you do. It also enables you to position yourself as an authority on topics related to your business. This garners trust amongst your readers who will see you and your colleagues as experts in your industry and therefore a company they could trust and would be happy to do business with.

A blog is also a great way to get the whole team on board. Not only does it reduce the burden on one person having to write all the copy but it is also a great morale booster to ask colleagues to contribute their views and opinions to the company website.

So, in summary, yes a blog is an important marketing tool but only if it’s informative, current and above all updated regularly!

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