5 Best Summer Social Media Campaigns Over Recent Years

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While the weather is still making us feel like we’re in Barbados at the moment, we’ve taken the time to look back at some of the most memorable and successful social media campaigns over the past few summers.

Coca-Cola – #ShareACoke Campaign

For any other company, removing your brand name from your product would seem like the most ludicrous idea. But for the past few summers, Coca-Cola have been running their #ShareACoke campaign encouraging people to share photos of the differently named bottles to their friends, and boy has it worked a treat. The Guardian reported that the social media campaign resulted in 18,300,000 impressions, and traffic on their Facebook page increased by 870%! If that’s not worth taking your name off the bottle, we don’t know what is.

Coke bottles

Image Source: http://www.coca-cola.co.uk

Budweiser – Name Change

Across the pond last summer, Budweiser changed its name across its cans and bottles to “America”. A genius move to tug on the patriotic strings during a summer that had the Rio Olympics and Paralympics and, of course, the traditional Independence Day. This led to masses of sharing across social media during these events.

ALS Association – Ice Bucket Challenge

The summer of 2014 saw everybody’s social feeds filled with videos of the awesome Ice Bucket Challenge. Such a simple idea that achieved so much goodness, started by Pete Frates and his former baseball teammates the campaign spread across the world through the likes of Justin Bieber and LeBron James. Over just a few weeks that summer ALS received a staggering $53 million in donations. Comparing this to the $2.2 million that they received during the same time period last year you can see how successful this campaign was.

Every drop adds up

Image Source: http://www.alsa.org

Haagen Dazs – #LoseYourself at Wimbledon

Haagen Dazs started this campaign as part of the 5 year anniversary of their sponsorship of Wimbledon. Photographer Adam Katz Sinding was tasked with capturing the emotional highs and lows of the fans in photos that are filled with personality with the aim of giving people that “edge of the seat” feeling. The campaign resonated amongst everyone and gave it the real life feeling of sport. Along with their deal to share live moments of the competition on Snapchat, this campaign did exactly what Haagen Dazs wanted to do and achieved Game, Set and Match.

Booking.com – Who Won Booking Summer?

Booking.com wanted to target the spontaneous travel market. Using the message “Wing Everything, Except Your Accommodation”. They asked people to send them their best summer photo with the hashtag #wingityeah. They also teamed up with some digital artists who created some fun and engaging Gifs of people’s entries. Over the course of a week they received 2,500 photo entries, the hashtag #wingityeah had 25,000 engagements and hit 6.5 million unique users on Facebook.

If you need help planning your summer social media campaigns, or would like us to help with any other aspect of digital marketing, please get in touch.

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