Guide to writing a press release

Justine Perry avatar
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So you’ve invested your time, effort and budget into a great new website… now, you need to tell the world about it.

If you are not in a position to engage a PR professional, why not write a press release and send it to your local newspapers, magazines and your trade press.

Here are some tips for writing a press release …

  • Editors and journalists have to filter out a lot of junk. Make it easy for them to see why they should write about your site from the very start by starting with a captivating headline that explains your story in a nutshell
  • Publications want NEWS so prioritise what’s fresh and new in your website. Your press release needs to explain why and how this is news, such as linking it to the launch of your company, service, a special occasion for the business (such as its birthday), the creation of jobs in the local area etc.
  • Include quotes from the main people in your business, or indeed your customers. Try to have something interesting to say about why you made the website, what your hopes and aspirations are for it and what you hope your customers and potential customers will get out of it. Magazines like it to look like they’ve interviewed you and good quotes help. Include your name and make it clear why you’re qualified to comment (eg, the person who built the website, the business owner who commissioned it etc)
  • Keep your press release short but sweet. Think quality not quantity and try not to waffle. A single page of copy (or less) should do the trick.
  • Stick to the facts. This is not a creative sales pitch, this is a press release. Try not to over-hype your website (hard, I know) and use statistics or data to back up your claims, if you can.
  • Remind editors to include your website address so readers can find your site more easily.
  • You can include background information in a section called ‘Notes for editors’ at the end of the press release to explain the background of your business, your personal credentials and any significant achievements you may have had.
  • Provide contact information and availability so journalists can easily ask follow-up questions
  • Attach a high-resolution photo of you (if you’re a sole trader), a screenshot of your new website (your web designer should be able to provide this to you), your company logo and/or product shots (if appropriate). Make sure you explain who/what each image is in your covering email, particularly when there is more than one person involved.
  • Date your press release.

If you don’t want to write your own press release, have a chat with the Cariad Team and we’d be happy to discuss our range of PR packages with you or any other digital marketing service that could be used in conjunction with PR. .

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