The online value of copywriting skills

Cariad Marketing avatar

It cannot be stressed how important good copy is for your digital marketing campaigns. Gone are the days when stringing a few keywords together would impress the search engines and whizz your website up the rankings. Nowadays the focus is on “content marketing” and to be found by search engines you need a relevant, interesting and targeted copy.

The online value of copywriting skillsWrite for humans, not the search engine crawlers

You should therefore always write for your target market, never for the search engines. This means ensuring you reflect the personality of your company in any copy and making sure it is relevant and interesting. You need to grab the reader; how many times have you started reading an article that you thought you weren’t remotely interested in only to read on because it was so well written? You probably didn’t even realise it was well written but the fact you got to the end definitely suggests it was!

Advise, don’t advertise

There is no magic formula for well written copy; everybody expresses themselves differently. The most important thing is that it reflects your business, is engaging, informative and grammatically correct! Blatant advertising in blogs and newsletters is not recommended; instead tell your readers about news stories that relate to your business or any tips or advice you can offer, again relating to your company or the business niche within which your clients are operating. Not only does regularly updating your website with interesting blogs ensure it is seen by Google to be kept fresh and up-to-date, but shared via email or social media marketing tools you can also drive more visits to your website which will also score you more Google ranking rewards!

So, well written copy really is a win, win situation for everyone; your marketing material is high quality, your clients are well informed and most importantly your rankings should sail up the search engines!

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