SEO Tips for small businesses

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Benefits of organic seo

So you’re a small business in need of some help with SEO (search engine optimisation) and Search Engine Marketing and are not sure where to start?

Here’s our SEO top tips for getting started …

Choose a good domain name

If you are starting your online business, then try and select a domain name which includes your primary keyword.

Define your keywords

Try to focus on 10 main keywords, and then these can be expanded over time. It will make it much easier to achieve your SEO objectives.

Analyse your competitiors

Check out their keywords and search rankings, and plan how to beat them! If you are not sure how to do this, you can order a Competitor SEO Report and everything you need will be provided.

Design your website with SEO in mind

Ensure that your web designer is aware of your keywords and SEO strategy and that this is factored in to the web build.

Consider SEO in your site structure

Try to structure your website with key themes and topics. Your pages will need to include your keywords in your titles, meta descriptions and headings (H1’s & H2’s in particular)

Content is King

You can’t beat relevant, good quality SEO copywriting, rich in your keywords. Remember, keep your content fresh and updated through the use of blogs and news sections

Internal Links

Link your keywords with relevant content within your website – this helps the both the search engines and users navigate your website.

Back LInks

In order for your website to perform to it’s best and to gain authority with Google, you need good quality back links (ie one way links to your website on your keywords). Think quality over quantity and do not be seduced by companies selling bulk backlinks – as a way to fast track your website’s organic ranking.

Google Tools

There are loads of free tools provided by Google, including Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools which will help you measure and evaluate your performance.

Search Engine Submission

Ensure you submit your XML sitemap to both Google and Bing, along with your RSS Feeds to ensure that the search engines are aware of your site updates and changes.

If optimising your website’s SEO is on your agenda, feel free to reach out to us for an initial chat. Our SEO consultants at Cariad Marketing specialise in delivering professional SEO services that cater to your unique needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your online visibility or exploring options for affordable SEO packages, our team is here to provide expert guidance and solutions. Contact us today, and let’s start a conversation on how we can help elevate your website’s performance in a way that aligns with your goals.

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