Tips to get more followers on Twitter

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With an average of 6000 tweets being sent per second, which adds up to a whopping 500 million per day you may be left wondering how to stand out from the crowd with your tweets. Every Twitter user would like to gain more followers, even more so when it is a business page that you are promoting. Here are some easy tips to help you increase your audience and widen your reach when posting on your Twitter page.

1) Don’t be boring!

The first and most natural way to gain more followers is simply to tweet interesting things. You must use your 140 characters wisely to engage your current followers and attract new ones. Use hashtags to target specific keywords and ask questions to encourage a response.

For a better chance of getting retweets try posting something clever, funny or current – you are much more likely to gain retweets from a joke about Christmas than you are about a promotion you have already tweeted about several times. Although some of the audience you will reach this way may not be 100% relevant to your industry, it will get your brand name out there and gain awareness.

 2) Use your current contactsTwitter Followers

Every company has a current list of contacts and a network of friends that could get you past that 50 followers mark at the beginning of your social media journey. However, they need to know you are there before they can begin to engage with you! If you have a blog on your website that is the perfect place to begin, simply add the social sharing widgets to the bottom of the page to make it extra easy for your readers to click.

To extend your reach even further try swapping guest blog posts with a contact in your industry. Another idea is to add the widgets to your email signatures, think about how many emails your company sends out a day – you could be getting this many more followers!

 3) Be Human

One of the best ways to lose followers is by posting automatic, repetitive computerised tweets from an app or tweet generator. Although these tools may save you time you still need to make them personalised and relevant to your audience.

The clue is in the name, you need to be social on social media. Wish people happy birthday and congratulate them on successes, reply to questions in your industry and return the favour and make sure you follow people back!

 4) Why should they follow you?

It’s always good to have the social media icons on show where your customers can see them or in advertisements to show that you are social and active online, but how many followers will this actually get you? People will want to know what it is they will get if they do make the effort to find you on Twitter and hit the follow button.

Do you offer one off daily deals, hints and tips in your industry or online competitions? If so shout about it! Give people an incentive and the new followers will start to roll in.


If you would like some more help with your Twitter presence or Social Media in general take a look at our Twitter or Linked in Training.  Alternatively if technology really isn’t your thing you don’t need to worry, you can outsource your social media completely with Cariad Marketing Social Media Packages. Contact us today for more information.


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