Twitter for Beauticians & Hairdressers: Pamper your profile as much as your clients

Cariad Marketing avatar

Crafting social media messages that are as beautiful as your clients when they leave your salon doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Whilst most of us can post a Tweet or put something out there on our private social media channels, when we’re doing it for our business or on behalf of an employer, it’s a different kettle of fish.

Social media is vital for small businesses – particularly if you are struggling to get your products or services in front of people who are searching for them online.

Twitter is a great way to give a concise (144 characters) insight into what you can offer potential and existing clients, and it’s also used as a search engine for many – especially if you are a business working with diarised appointments such as the Hair and Beauty industry.

It is very easy to advertise specific products, services and time slots which are often regularly available. This gives clients all the information they need to make an informed decision about your services, charges, availability, time slots and a call to action to book that vacant slot in your diary.

Adding a photograph of either your work or the setting really increases the likelihood of engagement with your audience too.

Here are some examples of great Tweets:


Promote your offers

Tweet your offer
Tweets are a great way of showcasing prices, offers and availability


Showcase your products

Products and services
Use photos to showcase your products and services

A properly timed and worded Tweet can make all the difference to filling those quiet times in your diary, advertising your services to new clients, as well as prompting existing clients to rebook with you.

Our Top 10 Tweet Tips for beauticians and hairdressers

  1. Shout about your business on Twitter: if you stop Tweeting, your clients will forget you.
  2. If you start to build a following and then stop, clients will lose faith in you.
  3. The time of day that you Tweet clients needs to be the time of day they will be looking for your services.
  4. Tweet about empty appointment slots, offer an incentive to fill quiet times eg Monday and Tuesday haircuts/Nail infills.
  5. Add a photograph to spark engagement and make your Tweets look attractive.
  6. Tweet about new products and services that you have in.
  7. Add #s and include client and suppliers twitter handles: @supplier @Topclient
  8. Most people love to be mentioned and photographed after a new hair-do or nail job!
  9. Before clients leave, get their email address and Twitter handles to build your database.
  10. Offer an incentive to Follow you e.g. Show us you’ve Followed us and get £5 off your next treatment within 7 days.


Good luck tweeting!


But there’s one more way… if you’re looking to take your Twitter to the next level, don’t have the time or you’re still unsure what to do, then talk to us. We’re a digital marketing agency based in Hertfordshire and know what we’re doing when it comes to Twitter. Give us a call on 01992 582 824 or email Sarah at [email protected].

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